What makes a good scapegoat? We say that we hate lies; that we like truth. No! That we love truth. It is just not true. The world over, it is rude to give a honest answer to a simple, “How are you?” Throughout history, honesty has made individuals very unpopular. Many lies are about responsibility. We like to think that only other people feel sorry for themselves. That, has nothing to do with us. When we let ourselves think this way, we let ourselves down. We might like to think of ourselves as responsible, but temptation to indulge in self pity is just part of living. Notice that such accusations are subjective. When self pity is aligned with the goals of society, there are no material consequences. As social creatures, we are prejudiced in favor of society. The prejudice is so strong that we never consider that society is base. Confusing morality with propriety is our birthright. The purpose of society is to keep people in their place. (Collective behavior works to maintain the status quo.) Lies don't need to convince, only to distract. That is why speed is critical to disinformation. When we associate two ideas quickly, our critical reasoning does not have time to work. Too often, we are out of practice. Dedication to thoughtfulness leads to: patience, mercy, and gratitude; whereas, prioritizing gratification leads to a 'having is deserving' mindset. Successful political scapegoats must be very broad, yet instantly recognizable stereotypes. Those stereotypes must exist in society for a politician to use them. The more we shrink from politics, the more we surrender our freedom.