I gave much of my life to two ideas: First, the cumulative effect of loyalty is to keep people in their place, so the more friendships we maintain the more our mind is full of 'us verses them' to the point that 'right versus wrong' can be hard to recognize. The opportunity cost of the pecking order is beyond imagination.
Second, definability corresponds to decidability. Semi-decidable concepts form a boundary on deductive systems. Rules that use such a concept cannot embody all of the concept and cannot conflict with other rules. Such axioms are the semantic equivalent to the difference between first order logic and second order logic (see completeness). Thereby, we have a better explanation of Godel's incompleteness theorems (which are not theorems BTW) along with their correspondence to (weak) Turing completeness.
math, philosophy of math, computer science:
A lot of mathematics is about proving theorems, but when a statement cannot be proven true or false we have the opportunity to better understand mathematics. I feel that we, unfortunately, do not take advantage of those opportunities. As our understanding of mathematics grows, we may ask more questions that land on the boundary of what we can know. I expect that it will only become more important to grapple with logical independence.
modern math is silly
undefinability and incompleteness some examples
Cantor's legacy
the difficulty of proofs of the difficulty of problems
topology is connectedness and locality Do topologists really run around daycare facilities slapping the hands of children for poking holes in silly putty or rolling together more than one piece of play dough?

Are choice functions misnamed?
for permutaion's sake
dovetailing diagonalization a hint on diagnolization
PNP here! more:
counting depth first search run-times,
the algebra of Hamiltonians: lattices in one direction, trees in the other
block chain for enforcing abstractions limit your attack surface, lower maitenence and running costs
encapsulation protocol provide isolation as a service
computably approximatizable a better name for co-RE / co-CE
measurable sets
usefulness of dynamic typing
dontuse a toy programming language
philosophy, politics:

You are what you believe
the last gift
What makes a scapegoat successful?
two party system
both sides
small government, little justice
gentleman's four letter word
blaming the victim is fun how has the American dream come to this?
love of truth
conservative justice
software law
Be yourself: cruelest of the ___ yourselfs
paint the wall

responsible words
Notes to self